Sinopsisi Braven - 2018
Detail Film Braven – 2018
Judul Film Braven –
Tayang Pada 01 February
Waktu Tayang 1 Jam 34
D 17+ (Dewasa 17+
Kategori Movies
Lin Oeding
Michael Nilon, Thomas
Pa'a Sibbett
Jason Momoa , Jill
Wagner , Garret Dillahunt , Zahn McClarnon , Stephen Lang , Sala Baker ,
Brendan Fletcher , Teach Grant , Sasha Rossof , James Harvey Ward , Fraser
Aitcheson , Tye Alexander , Steve O'Connell
Film Braven - 2018
Film Braven 2018 Adalah
film yang menceritakan kisah Seorang logger yang bernama Joe yang sedang
berlibur bersama keluarganya namun liburannya menjadi malapetaka yang dimana ia
diharuskan membela keluarganya dari kelompok pelari narkoba yang berbahaya.
Ketika Joe dan ayahnya
tiba di pondok berburu terpencil mereka, mereka berharap untuk akhir pekan yang
tenang, Namun sebaliknya Apa yang mereka temukan adalah simpanan sabu, yang
tersembunyi di dalam kabin oleh pedagang obat bius. Ketika para penjahat
tiba-tiba turun ke kabin, Joe dan ayahnya harus membunuh seseorang tersebut
atau dibunuh, itulah yang ada dibenak joe dan sang ayah untuk bertahan hidup.
The Braven 2018 Movie
is a film that tells the story of a logger named Joe who was on vacation with
his family but his vacation became a catastrophe in which he was required to
defend his family from a group of dangerous drug runners.
When Joe and his father
arrived at their remote hunting lodge, they hoped for a quiet weekend, but
instead what they found was herin deposits, hidden inside the cabin by drug
traffickers. When the criminals suddenly descend to the cabin, Joe and his father
have to kill the person or be killed, that's what Joe and his father are
thinking about to survive.
Link Film The Braven -
2018 (Here)
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