Sinopsis Den of Thieves- 2018
Detail Film Den of Thieves - 2018
Tanggal Rilis : 18
Januari 2018
Durasi : 2 jam 21 menit
Genre Film : Action,
Crime, Drama
Sutradara : Christian
Penulis Naskah Skenario
: Christian Gudegast, Paul Scheuring
Produser : Christian
Gudegast, Ryan Kavanaugh, Mark Canton, Tucker Tooley, Gerard Butler, Alan
Rumah Produksi :
G-BASE, Relatity Media, Tucker Tooley Entertaiment
Distributor Film :
Ascot Elite Entertaiment Group, GEM Entertaiment, dan STX Entertaiment
Negara Asal Film : USA
Bahasa Film : Inggris
Gerard Butler, Pablo
Schreiber, O'Shea Jackson Jr, Dawn Olivieri, Jordan Bridges, Mo McRae, Sonya
Balmores, Maurice Compte, Evan Jones, Brian Van Holt, Eric Braeden, Jermaine
Rivers, Meadow Williams, Kaiwi Lyman-Mersereau
Sinopsis Film Den of Thieves - 2018
Film Den of Thieves
bercerita tentang aksi perampokan yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok perampok
professional yang ingin merampok uang di salah satu bank terkenal di Amerika
Serikat, yakni Federal Reserve Bank.
Kelompok perampok ini merupakan kelompok yang paling terkenal
disana, dan mereka telah sering menjalankan aksi-aksinya yang berujung
Akan tetapi aksi mereka
tentunya tidaklah mudah, mereka harus berhadapan dengan aparat-aparat keamanan
di kota Los Angeles.
The Den of Thieves film
tells of a robbery committed by a group of professional robbers who want to rob
money at one of the most famous banks in the United States, the Federal Reserve
This group of robbers
is the most famous group there, and they have often run their actions that lead
to success.
But their action is
certainly not easy, they have to deal with the security forces in the city of
Los Angeles.
Link Film Den of
Thieves (Here)
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