
Sinopsis 12 Strong - 2018

Detail Film 12 Strong - 2018

Tanggal Rilis : 18 January 2018
Genre : Drama, History, War
Durasi : 2 jam 10 menit
Sutradara: Nicolai Fuglsig
Penulis: Peter Craig, Ted Tally
Jadwal Tayang :
- Movie Tayang: Januari 2018
- Movie Theaters: 19 Januari 2018
- Genre: Aksi, Drama, Histori
- Companies: Warner Bros. Pictures
- Official: 12strongmovie.com
- MPAA Rating: R
Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Elsa Pataky, Michael Pena, Austin Stowell, Taylor Sheridan, Trevante Rhodes, Geoff Stults, Ben O'Toole, Rob Riggle, Austin Hebert, Navid Negahban, Jack Kesy

Sinopsis Film 12 Strong - 2018

Film 12 Strong bercerita tentang latar belakang saat kehidupan yang sangat mengerikan yang menimpa Negara Amerika Serikat, yaitu peristiwa 9/11. Dimana pasukan elit AS yang dipimpin oleh komandan baru, Mitch Nelson. Mereka harus dikirim sebagai pasukan terdepan Amerika Serikat untuk pergi ke Afghanistan demi melawan Taliban dan Al-Qaeda.

Ketika berada di pegunungan yang curam, mereka bertemu dengan Aliansi utara jenderal Dostum. Disana lah mereka harus berusaha meyakinkan aliansi tersebut untuk bergabung dengan pasukan mereka. Dengan kerja sama dan usaha yang serius, Mitch Nelson yakin akan berhasil mengalahkan Al-Qaeda dan Taliban.

Disisi lain, mereka harus membuang rasa ketidakpercayaan antara satu sama lain. Ditambah lagi mereka harus mahir menunggangi kuda, padahal pasukan Amerika terbiasa dengan senjata canggih. Medan pertempuran yang mereka lalui sangatlah susah. Selain jumlah prajurit yang sedikit, mereka juga harus bisa melewati rintangan yang telah disiapkan oleh lawan.

The 12 Strong film tells of the horrifying background of life that struck the United States of America, the 9/11 event. Where is the US elite troops headed by the new commander, Mitch Nelson. They must be sent as US troops to go to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

While in the steep mountains, they meet the Northern Alliance of the Dostum general. There they must try to convince the alliance to join their troops. With serious cooperation and effort, Mitch Nelson is confident of defeating Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

On the other hand, they have to throw out a sense of distrust between each other. Plus they have to be adept at riding horses, whereas American troops are used to sophisticated weapons. The battlefield they went through was very difficult. In addition to the small number of soldiers, they must also be able to cross the obstacles that have been prepared by the opponent.

Link Film 12 Strong - 2018 (Here)

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